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Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development in a country. As opposed to developed countries.

Create an end-to-end implementation framework for skill development, which provides opportunities for life-long learning. This includes: incorporation of skilling in the school curriculum, providing opportunities for quality long and short-term skill training, by providing gainful employment and ensuring career progression that meets the aspirations of trainees.

Align employer/industry demand and workforce productivity with trainees’ aspirations for sustainable livelihoods, by creating a framework for outcome focused training.

Establish and enforce cross-sectoral, nationally and internationally acceptable standards for skill training in the country by creating a sound quality assurance framework for skilling, applicable to all Ministries, States and private training providers.

Build capacity for skill development in critical un-organised sectors (such as the construction sector, where there few opportunities for skill training) and provide pathways for re-skilling and up-skilling workers in these identified sectors, to enable them to transition into formal sector employment.

Ensure sufficient, high quality options for long-term skilling, bench marked to internationally acceptable qualification standards, which will ultimately contribute to the creation of a highly skilled workforce.

Develop a network of quality instructors/trainers in the skill development ecosystem by establishing high quality teacher training institutions.

Leverage existing public infrastructure and industry facilities for scaling up skill training and capacity building efforts.

Offer a passage for overseas employment through specific programmes mapped to global job requirements and bench marked to international standards.

Enable pathways for transitioning between the vocational training system and the formal education system, through a credit transfer system.

Promote convergence and co-ordination between skill development efforts of all Central Ministries/Departments/States/implementing agencies.

Support weaker and disadvantaged sections of society through focused outreach programmes and targeted skill development activities.

Propagate aspirational value of skilling among youth, by creating social awareness on value of skill training.