NSDM Examination Branch

The Winter / Summer system was introduced, Winter / Summer Examinations were conducted twice a year i.e. in November and April,under the ratio 30:70. A student should obtain a minimum 40% in each paper to qualify a general pass.

At present under Winter / Summer Examinations are conducted under the ratio 40:60. 40% of marks are allotted for internal examination and 60% is allotted for External examinations for both Theory & Practical. The duration of time for theory Winter / Summer exam is 3 hours and practical exam is for 3 hours.

A Candidate should qualify a minimum of 40% in each theory papers and 40% in each for practical papers to qualify a general pass.

Advanced supplementary Examination for Winter / Summer will be conducted within 30 days from the  date of declaration of results to give an immediate opportunity to those students who failed / absented in one or more number of papers in the final year i.e.(Winter/Summer only) examination so that they do not lose one year.

A candidate must earn 40% of the total credits to promote from next Academic Year.

Question papers will be uploaded in the official website nehruskilldevelopmentmission.com

on April / November. To download the Question papers Please call & collect the Password. Examination will be in the month of April / November. Examination dates are available in NSDM official website. It is also available in the NSDM official Website nehruskilldevelopmentmission.com

Examination should be conducted normally, in the Institute itself. External invigilator will be made available.

Division is awarded based on total marks.

                                                                               Controller of Examinations